Requests for repeat prescriptions can be made in writing and delivered to the surgery, using SystmOnline or by email via the surgery website. Telephone requests are not accepted.
Please allow 48 working hours for issue from the surgery.
All patients need to nominate a pharmacy so that the prescription can be sent electronically. This can be any pharmacy of your choice please have in mind that pharmacy processing times may vary. 

All patients are invited to register for SystmOnline Access which is the electronic mechanism for ordering prescriptions and booking on line appointments.  Please complete the registration form and return it to the Surgery.  The form is available from reception or on this website.

Please remember the following: 

  • You may have to come in and see the doctor before the medication is issued, so make sure you order your medication in good time
  • Email requests are picked up once a day at 11 am. Any request made after this time will be actioned the following working day
  • All requests are acknowledged by an automated message
  • We will only issue 2 months medication at a time.  If you have a very special, one off,  reason for asking for more than two months supply, please provide details as this will have to be approved by your GP.
  • Repeat prescriptions for HRT or the contraceptive pill will be provided by the nurse after health checks are made.  If you run out before you can get an appointment you can order a 1 month emergency supply.